After World (Empire) War I Halford John Mackinder eloquently summarised his Heartland Theory in which the Geographical pivot of the world was described as:
"Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
who rules the World-Island controls the world."
The world today is currently ruled culturally, militarily, geographically and, more importantly, financially by the American empire. This fact is masked by a compliant media who instead portray it as a benevolent, albeit misguided, superpower, labouring at its own expense to export democracy and free markets to the furthest reaches of the globe.
To debunk this myth we must return to the height of the Vietnam War when the cost of the war – paid for in gold-backed US dollars - depleted the US gold supply at Fort Knox and caused the US to technically default on it debts and stop the gold-backing of its dollar.
In hindsight this marked the turning point when the US Government fully transitioned from a civilian-led, but corporate influenced Government to a corporate-led, but civilian influenced, Government. From 1971 onwards the gap dividing public opinion and Government policy – known as the democratic deficit - steadily grew into a chasm and led to the “grass roots” Occupy Wall Street movement, whose main aim today is the constitutional ‘Separation of Corporation and State.’
The US Government’s economic sovereignty, and subsequently, foreign policy were effectively handed over to the privately owned Federal Reserve and its corporate banks. They through Henry Kissinger were able maintain a strong US economy and a strong US dollar - while extracting stupendous profits for themselves - through an ingenious petro-dollar recycling plan that required the world to purchase oil denominated in US dollars. Read More
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on Tuesday, April 10, 2012
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