Latin American Leaders Revolt Against the Bloody War on Drugs

BuzzFlash at Truthout has been covering the bloody fiasco of the US sponsored war on drugs in Mexico and other southern nations.

Most recently, Truthout reported, "The US War on Drug Cartels in Mexico Is a Deadly Failure." In that article, it was noted that there has been a simmering backlash, even among governments likely complicit in drug trafficking, against the lack of a US policy to reduce illicit drug consumption at home - or, perish the thought, legalize some of the contraband (starting with marijuana).

Yesterday, BuzzFlash noted the hypocrisy of American pharmaceutical companies being the largest cartels pushing narcotics, legally - and profiting handsomely from the drug dependency business.

But the US government has been leading a show war allegedly against foreign drug cartels that has resulted in the deaths of more that 50,000 Mexicans since 2006, and thousands upon thousands more in other southern nations.

According to the April 10th Washington Post,

Latin American leaders, though, point out that the United States remains the world's largest cocaine market and that there have been record levels of violence from Venezuela to Guatemala, El Salvador to Mexico. Read More


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