CIA Super Spy Centers Near Completion

The CIA’s plan to spy on every American by bugging everything—clock radios, phones, refrigerators, everything—is ready to be operational as soon as Big Brother’s super spy centers can go online. They will not only track everything you say and do, but will be able to correlate all the data they have been collecting for decades on you—every personal phone call, email, check, receipt, doctor’s visit—everything.

James Bamford, the fearless author who has been exposing the NSA and its spying techniques since the early 1980s, now reports Big Brother can watch us all in real time.

Up until now, the impossible task of managing the enormous quantity of data the CIA has accumulated on Americans for the past half-century and correlating and retrieving this data instantly had paralyzed the efforts to keep tabs on all of us. Bamford has uncovered the government’s ace to finish two secret projects they need to totally conquer the American people: a super spy center in the Utah desert and a super-fast code breaking center at Oak Ridge, Tenn., the Multiprogram Research Facility. Read More


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