Jim Harrison + Jay Mc Inerney @ 104 for a Banquet Littéraire, Paris May 08 2011

Jim Harrison + Jay Mc Inerney @ 104 for a Banquet Littéraire
Paris May 08 2011

The writters & salad

Away from the Rock'n Roll world
Sunday afternoon @ the trendy 104 ( a "new" place in Paris for modern art) for a "Banquet Littéraire" with one of the most welknown American writter Jim Harrison.
The 104 has a new CEO who's trying to get that place more lively than it used to be these last couple of years with lots of concerts, activities...

How to mix food and litterature, around 200 people sitting at tables for a banquet... well in fact it was more a sunday brunch while 3 actors, sitting on referee chairs, were reading extracts regarding food from Jim Harrison & Jay Mc Inerney's books .
Before the lunch , the writters had a few words for the audience.

Food consisted of cream of asparagus soup, prawn from Madagascar, organic quinolone, purslane salad & Culin small cake.

Then Jim Harrison did a Q&A in another part of the 104. We met him briefly outside when he was having a smoke before signing books at the library where people were already queueing.

As it was a sunny sunday afternoon, the 104 was packed with families with children as there were kids games on the basement floor, it looked like a huge day-nursery, everything was free for the kids.
Litterature and readings for adults on one side and games for kids on the other side, there was also a huge and scary merry-go-round with giants insects, buffalo...

Jim Harrison (left) Merry-go round & scared kid (far right)

Really cool afternoon @ 104.
As Rockerparis never stops (like Rosie) we tested a few drinks at the very posh 5 star Bristol Hotel which has been granted a Palace label, with Hotel Meurice & Plaza-Athénée, strangely enough not the GV Hotel which is considered the best hotel in the world.
We've been to these places for a drink, or two and believe me, they know how to treat you like a king.
We ended the day next to the Invalides into an Italian restaurant for a tasty Pizza.

PS: thanks to Miss F for this lovely day & Royal treatment

Jean Charles de Castelbajac drawings Rue Fabert near the Invalides


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