Faith no More , Offspring, The Horrors , Billy Talent @ Rock en Seine August 29th 2009

Faith No More, Offspring, The Horrors, Billy Talent
@ Rock en Seine August 29th 2009

Once again the bill is not fantastic today , so we get there around 6 PM just in time to see Canadian power-pop band Billy Talent ( they call it punk in America ).
The singer is screaming so much that half of his body is completely red.
The music 's not fantastic but the show was entertaining.
We left after 40 min that was enough.

Some girls

The Horrors is the up and coming band , i've heard a lot about them but after seeing their pictures , I didn't really bother, Too bad for me.
They've done a great set ; very dark, very goth and very Joy division-ish.
Lots of kids in the audience , they love them , a very nice surprise for me.

The singer's funny and they're all looking very young.

Then we have the masters of the american punk rock scene ( we call it Power- Pop over here ) Offspring.

They sound very american which means that it's perfectly executed , almost like on cd. There's a aditional guitar player with them.
They've done all the hits with lots of AAaahh & OOooOhh to sing.
With Offspring you don't need to own any of their cd you know most of their songs , very pop and the sound is neat.

There are unprofessional bands ( Oasis ) and very professional ones , Offspring is one of them, for " Punk" they're too perfect.
Of course they had to make a couple of jokes on Oasis' split.
Great set anyway.

Faith no More, AAARRGGHH all my youth is coming back right in my face.
Lots of expectations for this come-back.
They started very slowly with a very cool song and then it was chaos.
They're all dressed nicely with costumes , 'Mad' Patton is acting like a maniac on acid , lots of screamings.

They've played songs from all their records including the early ones when Patton wasn't the singer and all the hits ( Epic... ) a couple of covers ( " I'm easy" , " Midnight cowboy" instrumental soundtrack ) alternating very heavy song with cool ones.

The audience was mad , the sound and lightning was perfect , great show.

Mike Patton playing "midnight cowboy" ( right & below)

We have a winner: Faith No More


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