Tony Joe White @ Bataclan Paris Nov 4th 2008

Tony Joe white @ Bataclan Paris Nov 4th 2008.
Not that many people tonight , the balcony is closed and it's a seated event , so probably around 500 frenchies.
Support slot Jessica Lea Mayfield played a decent set with her acoustic guitar , she has a good voice but her songs are a bit average and are way too melancolic,

Tony Joe White is playing seated with his trade-mark black hat , sunglasses and harmonica around his neck. The lightning is... confidential.
Small band : a drummer and a keyboard player ( playing the bass part ) .
Tony has no setlist so his musicians have to be very carefull to what the 'master' is about to play.
His low-tuned voice is still doing it and his guitar playing has the 'touch' .
If you don't know his " swamp rock" maybe you'll think some songs are sounding a bit the same but it takes time to fully appreciate his writing skills. he's well-known for writing " Polk salad Annie" that was a huge hit for him and Elvis Presley who covered that song.
I don't know if i'm getting too old but it was quite loud down the front.
Nice evening

"Polk Salad Annie" :


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