The Kills , The Virgins , James Morrison + others @ " One Shot Not " Oct 29th 2008

Complete Setlist

James Morrison + The Virgins + Anais + The Kills + Craig david + Randy Crawford & Joe Sample
Live @ " One Shot Not " for French TV Arte.
Complete setlist above with rehearsals sheet.
I've already been there a couple of times and this tv show is always great, around 400 people standing around a stage where bands are playing one after another. This is not technically a stage as bands are playing on the same floor as the audience.
I ' m sitting on an amplifier on the side so perfect view.
There's a 10-15 min break between each band so they can change the set up.

James Morrison is the first to play , he's allright but a bit too soft for me

The Virgins are next , the singer seems to be a funny bloke , they're allright too ...

Then we have French female singer Anais , she had a huge hit a couple of years ago with a novelty song but can she pass the second album ? The answer is yes , she looks more serious and she's singing in English, her new songs folk-rock songs are really good, maybe she should work her english a bit more but as she's only known over here it's not a problem . Will frenchies accept her in English ? Not sure about it.

The Kills were just GREAT , 3 songs and i'm more and more in love with VV. Too bad that i only saw the encore yesterday at the Bataclan.

Craig David has a lovely voice but the music he's playing is complete crap.

Last artist to great the show was jazz-soul black female singer Randy Crawford with Joe Sample on piano and legend drummer Steve Gadd. Hard to believe that i don't know this singer, her voice is fantastic and absolutely perfect when she's singing softly, which is the hardest thing to do.Second song " No regret" is a cover of Edith Piaf 's " non je ne regrette rien " and last song is " Street life" famous to young generations for being included in Tarantino' s Jackie Brown soundtrack.
Then Anais and James Morrison did a jam on a song i can't remember the name but it was a classic.
Great 3 hour and a half show. To be broadcasted next year.

Have a look at their website for previous shows :

Sorry no pictures for this event as it's forbidden and they're checking you as if you were getting into Israel .


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